With this delete tutorial, we provide tested solution and step making delete file for all ISX CM871 BAC.
Package include: Cummins software, PDF and video tutorial, Screen files or Parameter to delete, ECFG file
Support: Demo on the first truck. Then technical support.
1. What is our Delete Tutorial?
Did you know, to completely and thoroughly remove the DPF SCR EGR while the engine power still good is not an easy and extremely complicated job. However, TechAuto.pro we have summarized, condensed in the simplest and easiest way so that anyone can do it.
Yes, we’re not kidding, we have a solution that everyone can do it, you can really make your own files as a real tuner. We’ve done a lot so we know what you need to do.
Delete DPF SCR EGR will now become very simple and easy, no more 1 file for many truck and of course our solution is 100% tested to work. All of these called Delete Tutorial.
2. Features
With this Delete Tutorial:
You will learning the way how to make a delete file by yourself, you can delete all model belong BAC Product ID. So you no need 1 file for all truck anymore
You will lean how to work with Cummins Calterm, how to work with Cummins Insite
If you practice for a enough time, you can become a real tuner
Ours Delete Tutorial is very easy to learn, you don’t need any super knowledge or computer skill. Everything is very clear and detailed so you just have to watch and follow, everyone can do it
With our solution, we guarantee:
No derates
No fault codes related to EGR/ DPF/ DEF/ SCR
Power according to engine serial number
Fleet safe tuning (engine is not over powered)
Regen disabled
No need for a different turbo
Minimal intervention into current ECU settings. We know what we do. No unrelated parameter will be changed.
You can do direct on all BAC original file, you make file by yourself. No need one file to all trucks anymore
Very simple system requirements
3. What does this Delete tutorial package include:
Video tutorial which include all steps by step very clearly and easy way
Screen files or Parameter to delete
ECFG file: the exactly ecfg file for BAC. This Ecfg for connect to ECM, and for get all parameter using while delete
Cummins Calterm full keygen
Cummins Insite 8.7 full keygen
3.1. Cummins Calterm
Calterm is an engineering development and testing tool used to monitor the Electronic Control Module (ECM) for the Cummins engine system and to alter the calibration data contained therein.
Perform Installation Quality Assurance testing
Perform DPF regeneration
View active and inactive fault codes
Troubleshoot integration issues
Troubleshoot calibration issues
Collect engine/AT test data
3.2. Cummins Insite
INSITE performs engine diagnostics and displays electronic engine information on your PC. With step-by-step diagnostics, built-in engine drawings and schematic diagrams, working with INSITE is easy. Using this software application will reduce troubleshooting time, errors and incorrect procedures and quickly get your vehicle back on the road again.
• Quick access to trip information
• Adjust parameters and review/clear fault information quickly and easily
• Easy-to-follow troubleshooting assistance
• Wiring and sensor location diagrams
• Store engine and trip information for future use, or as programming templates
4. Computer Requirements
To install these software above and help you work fine, you need a Laptop/PC with following requirement
OS: Windows 7, 10 (32 or 64-bit), 11 (64-bit)
Free drive space: 20 GB or more
CPU: Intel Core i3 and up
Ram: 4GB or more
5. Recommended interface
NEXIQ USB Link (version 1 or 2)
DG Technology DPA5
Norgone DLA
And some other RP1210 devices
Memory | |
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Cummins ISX CM871 BAC DPF EGR Delete Tutorial
- Product Code: Cummins ISX CM871
- Availability: In Stock
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ChipTuning Truck
Chiptuning means that the software in the engine control unit is optimised, leading to an improvement of vehicle performance. This is why chiptuning is also often referred to as software tuning. To improve the performance of your vehicle, several parameters such as amount of fuel, injection time and boost pressure are adjusted to each other.
Results of Chiptuning
A chiptuning of your vehicle, or, more precisely, the software tuning of your truck, can lead to a torque increase by up to 20%. Furthermore, up to 20% more ps and a reduction of fuel consumption by up to 5-15% are possible
Higher Performance, Lower Consumption! How does that work?
From a technical viewpoint, a reduction of fuel consumption is very often one of the side effects of chiptuning. Fuel consumption is automatically lowered due to a shift of torque and the subsequent driving at low engine speed. Of course only if you stick to your normal driving style. After chiptuning, your vehicle has the same power at a lower torque as compared to before with a higher torque.
Results of Chiptuning at a Glance
Performance improvement between 5% and 20%
Torque increase between 5% and 20%
Reduction of fuel consumption after chiptuning
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do the vehicle manufacturers not carry out the chiptuning themselves?
The manufacturer develops a vehicle for the international market. In doing so, they have to consider various framework conditions such as national emission standards, regional differences in temperature, different types of fuel or specific categories of insurances in different countries. This means that an ex-works vehicle needs to be equipped for a wide range of different influencing factors. The adjustment of the above-mentioned parameters to one single target market can therefore be carried out only by chiptuning.
Does Chiptuning Shorten Engine Life?
This depends on the degree of the chiptuning modifications. If no limit values are exceeded during the software tuning and you have a “normal” style of driving, no increased wear is to be expected. If the requested modifications deviate from normal standards and/or your driving style does not comply to “normal” standards, the same signs of wear as the engine would be exposed to without chiptuning are to be expected.
Is Chiptuning Possible for my Truck?
Check our truck list for trucks we have already tuned. If your type of truck is not on the list, do not hesitate to contact us via phone or e-mail.